Found 8 matches for October 2009 and .pro:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
ebooks.proOctober 2009$ 4,500.00 USDSedo
ebook.proOctober 2009$ 3,900.00 USDSedo
link.proOctober 2009$ 3,040.00 USDPrivate sale
arte.proOctober 2009$ 3,000.00 USDSedo auction
moda.proOctober 2009$ 2,000.00 USDSedo
antique.proOctober 2009$ 1,600.00 USDPrivate sale
antiques.proOctober 2009$ 1,600.00 USDPrivate sale
reality.proOctober 2009$ 1,118.00 USDSedo

Total price amount in this set of 8 domain name sales is 20,758.00 USD; average price is 2,594.75 USD.

Check also:

  • .pro monthly statistics
  • October 2009 stats
  • .pro registration renewal transfer prices