Found 12 matches for July 2005 and .net:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
skateboard.netJuly 2005$ 29,250.00 USDSnapNames
christ.netJuly 2005$ 18,350.00 USDSnapNames
synergy.netJuly 2005$ 16,255.00 USDSnapNames
e-hentai.netJuly 2005$ 14,610.00 USDSnapNames
californiarealestate.netJuly 2005$ 12,056.00 USDPool
aside.netJuly 2005$ 3,188.00 USDAfterNIC
beautifulmountain.netJuly 2005$ 1,800.00 USDAfterNIC
growlight.netJuly 2005$ 1,220.00 USDAfterNIC
liveexpert.netJuly 2005$ 700.00 USDAfterNIC
jib.netJuly 2005$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
mcrc.netJuly 2005$ 450.00 USDAfterNIC
saveonenergy.netJuly 2005$ 360.00 USDAfterNIC

Total price amount in this set of 12 domain name sales is 98,739.00 USD; average price is 8,228.25 USD.

Check also:

  • .net monthly statistics
  • July 2005 stats
  • .net registration renewal transfer prices