Found 14 matches for February 2014 and .club:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
icehockey.clubFebruary 2014$ 2,000.00 USDSedo
skater.clubFebruary 2014$ 1,300.00 USDSedo
figureskating.clubFebruary 2014$ 1,150.00 USDSedo
skate.clubFebruary 2014$ 1,000.00 USDSedo
iceskating.clubFebruary 2014$ 670.00 USDSedo
alpineski.clubFebruary 2014$ 600.00 USDSedo
alpineskiing.clubFebruary 2014$ 500.00 USDSedo
skier.clubFebruary 2014$ 500.00 USDSedo
sochi.clubFebruary 2014$ 500.00 USDSedo
wintersports.clubFebruary 2014$ 410.00 USDSedo
bobsled.clubFebruary 2014$ 310.00 USDSedo
bobsleigh.clubFebruary 2014$ 130.00 USDSedo
xcountryski.clubFebruary 2014$ 109.00 USDSedo
xcountryskiing.clubFebruary 2014$ 109.00 USDSedo

Total price amount in this set of 14 domain name sales is 9,288.00 USD; average price is 663.43 USD.

Check also:

  • .club monthly statistics
  • February 2014 stats
  • .club registration renewal transfer prices