Found 7 matches for February 2013 and .us:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
lumas.usFebruary 2013$ 1,340.00 USDSedo
cloud9.usFebruary 2013$ 1,075.00 USDSedo
opengov.usFebruary 2013$ 625.00 USDGoDaddy
transgender.usFebruary 2013$ 501.00 USDSedo auction
my-ip.usFebruary 2013$ 185.00 USDGoDaddy
hala.usFebruary 2013$ 171.00 USDGoDaddy
withdraw.usFebruary 2013$ 60.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 3,957.00 USD; average price is 565.29 USD.

Check also:

  • .us monthly statistics
  • February 2013 stats
  • .us registration renewal transfer prices