Found 17 matches for year 2009 and .to:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
sms.toNovember 2009€ 6,700.00 EURSedo auction
redtube.toFebruary 2009$ 5,000.00 USDSedo auction
l.toOctober 2009$ 2,000.00 USDSedo
kio.toJanuary 2009$ 1,820.00 USD
serienjunkies.toJanuary 2009$ 1,625.00 USD
cam.toMay 2009€ 1,100.00 EURSedo auction
serien.toFebruary 2009$ 1,300.00 USDSedo
filme.toFebruary 2009$ 1,105.00 USDSedo
adult.toJuly 2009€ 750.00 EURSedo auction
88.toJune 2009$ 1,000.00 USDSedo
addicted.toMay 2009€ 460.00 EURSedo auction
cd.toAugust 2009€ 390.00 EURSedo auction
juegos.toFebruary 2009€ 420.00 EURSedo auction
babe.toJuly 2009€ 350.00 EURSedo auction
foo.toSeptember 2009$ 200.00 USDSedo auction
mails.toSeptember 2009€ 70.00 EURSedo auction
beamme.toMay 2009$ 100.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 17 domain name sales is 29,075.35 USD; average price is 1,710.31 USD.

Check also:

  • .to yearly statistics
  • year 2009 stats
  • .to registration renewal transfer prices