Found 9 matches for year 2010 and .sg:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
slots.sgOctober 2010$ 7,500.00 USDSedo
safety.sgJanuary 2010$ 6,900.00 USDSedo 2010$ 5,000.00 USDSedo
onlinepoker.sgSeptember 2010$ 4,450.00 USDSedo
alamo.sgJanuary 2010$ 3,975.00 USD
rugby.sgJanuary 2010$ 2,000.00 USD
yacht.sgJanuary 2010$ 1,830.00 USD
booking.sgSeptember 2010€ 800.00 EURSedo
onlinecasino.sgJanuary 2010€ 170.00 EURSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 9 domain name sales is 32,968.71 USD; average price is 3,663.19 USD.

Check also:

  • .sg yearly statistics
  • year 2010 stats
  • .sg registration renewal transfer prices