Found 10 matches for June 2013 and .pw:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
qr.pwJune 2013$ 6,500.00 USDAfterNIC
search.pwJune 2013$ 280.00 USDNameJet
bank.pwJune 2013$ 270.00 USDNameJet
gold.pwJune 2013$ 250.00 USDNameJet
creditcards.pwJune 2013$ 232.00 USDNameJet
internet.pwJune 2013$ 222.00 USDNameJet
account.pwJune 2013$ 210.00 USDNameJet
money.pwJune 2013$ 180.00 USDNameJet
blogs.pwJune 2013$ 115.00 USDNameJet
network.pwJune 2013$ 95.00 USDNameJet

Total price amount in this set of 10 domain name sales is 8,354.00 USD; average price is 835.40 USD.

Check also:

  • .pw monthly statistics
  • June 2013 stats
  • .pw registration renewal transfer prices