Found 6 matches for year 2013 and .pe:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
bingo.peJanuary 2013$ 2,620.00 USDSedo
770.peFebruary 2013$ 1,400.00 USDSedo
start.peNovember 2013€ 700.00 EURSedo auction
mega.peAugust 2013$ 99.00 USDFlippa auction
remind.peAugust 2013$ 15.00 USDFlippa auction
paydayloan.peSeptember 2013$ 6.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 6 domain name sales is 5,083.79 USD; average price is 847.30 USD.

Check also:

  • .pe yearly statistics
  • year 2013 stats
  • .pe registration renewal transfer prices