Found 6 matches for July 2006 and .de:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
tonight.deJuly 2006$ 14,464.00 USDSedo
blogtiger.deJuly 2006$ 7,685.00 USDSedo (tö 2006$ 4,193.00 USDSedo
handy-center.deJuly 2006$ 3,752.00 USDSedo
billigreifen.deJuly 2006$ 3,576.00 USDSedo
financeconsult.deJuly 2006$ 2,222.00 USDSedo

Total price amount in this set of 6 domain name sales is 35,892.00 USD; average price is 5,982.00 USD.

Check also:

  • .de monthly statistics
  • July 2006 stats
  • .de registration renewal transfer prices