Found 7 matches for year 2010 and .cm:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
lottery.cmJanuary 2010$ 2,500.00 USDSedo auction
scottrade.cmSeptember 2010$ 2,000.00 USDSedo
farmville.cmMay 2010$ 1,500.00 USDSedo
europe.cmSeptember 2010$ 1,200.00 USDSedo
777.cmAugust 2010$ 250.00 USDSedo auction
company.cmAugust 2010$ 250.00 USDSedo auction
ebooks.cmAugust 2010$ 210.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 7,910.00 USD; average price is 1,130.00 USD.

Check also:

  • .cm yearly statistics
  • year 2010 stats
  • .cm registration renewal transfer prices