Found 7 matches for .restaurant:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
chinese.restaurantFebruary 2020$ 300.00 USDGoDaddy auction
online.restaurantNovember 2021$ 270.00 USDDynadot
healthy.restaurantFebruary 2018$ 81.20 USDDynadot
cloud.restaurantDecember 2021$ 70.00 USDDynadot
digital.restaurantFebruary 2022$ 57.00 USDDynadot
crypto.restaurantJanuary 2020$ 45.99 USDDynadot
globe.restaurantApril 2020$ 25.00 USDGoDaddy auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 849.19 USD; average price is 121.31 USD.

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