Found 7 matches for .gr 3 characters long:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
you.grJanuary 2007$ 6,628.00 USD
bug.grJanuary 2012$ 5,670.00 USDSedo
pof.grJune 2014$ 5,000.00 USDSedo auction
pos.grJanuary 2011$ 3,128.00 USD
sun.grJanuary 2012$ 2,193.00 USD
tvs.grJanuary 2013$ 1,485.00 USD
sad.grJuly 2008$ 160.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 24,264.00 USD; average price is 3,466.29 USD.

Return to .gr short length statistics.